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GO Boulder has a history of being a forward-thinking transit department and willing to push boundaries by applying modern approaches to branding transit. In the mid-90s, the department was one of the first in the country to brand specific bus routes, the HOP, SKIP, JUMP, LEAP and BOUND, and bring attention to their new high frequency system. In 2010, the department recognized the need to refresh the original HOP to stay current with graphic styles and attract increasing numbers of University of Colorado students. So when the client defined the target market as college students, we listened!

\\   Studio Six Office Interior

Studio Six Modern Office Interior with large window bright graphics and modern textures and a conference table in the center


So why not design the HOP fleet in a style that would resonate with its audience, be fun, playful, hip and cool? We illustrated the HOP’s iconic rabbit and frog to be energetic and bigger than life! The flying frog and hopping rabbit was one of two concepts presented to the transit advisory committee. The committee chose our second concept but the design that is featured on our office wall, shown above, has remained a Studio Six team favorite. The colorful artwork enlivens our conference room with bold, painterly swashes of color and our whimsical hop mascots! We liked the concept so much that we developed a product line including custom cards and modern art.

\\   Frameless Modern Art

Modern Frameless Art Piece utilizing bright colors of purple frog orange rabbit and splashes of water color